Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009, and Say Hello to 2010

This year was a heck of a roller coaster ride because so many things happened this year that I can't even explain everything! This year made me realize myself even more, secondly by getting to know my friends, family and my main man GOD! I'm truly am blessed by Him because He helped me throughout everything, and that's why I thank Him with all my heart! YFC (Youth For Christ) was one of my main highlight of this year because it helped me grow with God, friends, High School Base President and getting to serve Him at Camp Endure and its been a blessing and privileged for me to do this!

Thank you everyone and God for a terrific 2009, it is one of my memorable year for me! Hopefully, 2010 we even be better and a memorable year too!

Happy New Year Everyone and Thanks For Reading my Blog!!!!!!!!

-Glenn Cuerdo a.k.a GCuerdo

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